Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Some "Old" Definitions from FVTC

Found these in my archive~Terri :)

Accelerated course:
A documented course (WIDS) that is typically delivered in the traditional classroom, although may be delivered via ITV, Internet, or in a blended delivery format. Students and instructor meet according to the scheduled number of required hours (i.e., 3 credit course = 54 hours of classroom meeting time). Delivery of content, however, is organized according to the “70-30 rule”—instructor-led 30% of the time, student-driven 70% of the time. Delivery is orchestrated so that learning and assessment are experienced as natural and enjoyable, while at the same time challenging and relevant. Time spent in the classroom addresses the needs of the 3 major learning styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) and as many of the intelligences (Gardner’s) as are realistic for the content. Active and passive activities are balanced and cycled for optimum learning and retention of content. Assessment is performance based and integrated into the learning cycle in a natural manner.

Fastrack course:
A documented course (WIDS) that is typically delivered in a traditional classroom. Students and instructor meet for roughly 30-40% of the required seat-time hours (e.g., a 3 credit course = 18-21 hours of classroom meeting time). The remainder of the time is assigned work that is expected to occur outside of regular class meeting times and may be done in groups. Instructors are expected to be available to meet with students during non-classroom hours (e.g., the remaining 33-36 hours). Classroom meeting times are typically scheduled in a multi-hour format, and activities are typically chunked into 15-20 minute timeframes. Learning styles and a balance of active and passive learning is expected for classroom time.

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